
The Study of Wetlands
Blog Flora and fauna research Livingston, Izabal Maya-Ethnobotany Yaxha

The Study of Wetlands

Wetlands are understood as “extensions of marshes, swamps, peat bogs or surfaces covered by water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, stagnant or currents of fresh, brackish or salt water, including extensions of marine water whose depth at low tide it does not exceed 6 meters” – Ramsar. Every February 2, World Wetlands Day…

Importance of Mangroves
Maya-Ethnobotany News

Importance of Mangroves

Mangroves are a type of forest located in coastal areas of tropical and subtropical regions. Their characteristics allow them to be highly productive. They provide ecosystem services such as: Refuge and habitat of wild flora and fauna (rich biodiversity) Food source and supply of nutrients to other species (fish, crustaceans, birds, reptiles, etc.) Carbon capture…

El dilema de la primavera en Guatemala: ¿Es realmente eterna?
Blog Maya-Ethnobotany

El dilema de la primavera en Guatemala: ¿Es realmente eterna?

Tanto en Guatemala, como en el extranjero, los guatemaltecos reconocemos con orgullo a nuestro país como el de la eterna primavera. Sin embargo, existen muchas probabilidades de que la mayoría de nosotros no identifique cuando ocurre esta estación. ¿Será porque todo el año vemos flores que no la reconocemos, o bien, que muy pocas veces…

The Mesoamerican Christmas tree: Pinabete (Abies guatemalensis Rehder.)
Blog Maya-ethnobotany

The Mesoamerican Christmas tree: Pinabete (Abies guatemalensis Rehder.)

Abies guatemalensis Rehder is a species of pine (family Pinaceae) that commonly receives the name of Pinabete, Romerillo, or Pinabete of Guatemala; In Mayan languages, ​​it is known as Pashaque, Tz’in chaj, Pajchac, and Paqtxaq (INAB & MARN, 2017; INAB, 2019). Its natural distribution includes México (Jalisco), Guatemala, El Salvador and part of Honduras (Lempira).…

Why is Ceiba so important in our country and the Americas?

Why is Ceiba so important in our country and the Americas?

Ceiba is one of the largest trees in the tropics, measuring up to 70 meters high and its roots up to 5 meters deep. It is a tree that we can find in most places in the towns of Guatemala. It was declared a National Tree on March 8, 1955. It is also very common…