
Forest and Water: A Vital Resources of Our Planet
Blog FLAAR Mesoamerica

Forest and Water: A Vital Resources of Our Planet

In March we celebrate the International Day of Forests (March 21th) and World Water Day (March 22th), two commemorative dates for life and the vital resources for the functioning of this planet. Water is an essential element of any living organism and fundamental for sustainable forest management. Forests are crucial for regulating the hydrological cycle…

How do we celebrate Christmas in Guatemala? Take a closer look at the Native Christmas Species
Blog Educational material FLAAR Mesoamerica Flora and fauna research Maya-ethnobotany Maya-Ethnozoology

How do we celebrate Christmas in Guatemala? Take a closer look at the Native Christmas Species

December is a particular month, full of joy and reflection on what has been accomplished during the year. The fruits and flowers stand out, with their colors and flavors making this season even more special. One of the signs that the end of the year has arrived in Guatemala is to look around and find…

NATIONAL PARKS: A treasure for conservation
Blog FLAAR Mesoamerica Izabal

NATIONAL PARKS: A treasure for conservation

International Day of National Parks August 24th, 2023 Parque Nacional Río Dulce. Haniel López, 2021.  Every year we celebrate the International Day of National Parks on August 24th. This day raises awareness for global efforts towards conservation. National parks are decreed for many reasons such as historical, aesthetic, scientific value, cultural value, for recreational purposes,…

National Day of the Agronomist, Forestry and  Environmental Engineer in Guatemala
Blog FLAAR Mesoamerica

National Day of the Agronomist, Forestry and Environmental Engineer in Guatemala

In a country like Guatemala, where the base of the economy has always been agriculture, the work of agricultural, environmental, agro-industrial, and forestry engineers is of great importance for the development, sustainable management of resources, and conservation of biodiversity. On June 14, 1950, the Faculty of Agronomy of Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala was officially…

New Infographic Material in MayanToons
Educational material FLAAR Mesoamerica MayanToons News

New Infographic Material in MayanToons

Guatemala is a country with great natural and cultural wealth; however, many people are still unaware of much of the diversity that the territory possesses. One of the objectives of FLAAR Mesoamerica has always been the dissemination of scientific information for both academics and children who want to learn more about the various species of…

Maya trek: a unique tour of the Mayan society in the tropical jungle
FLAAR Mesoamerica News

Maya trek: a unique tour of the Mayan society in the tropical jungle

The Biotopo Protegido San Miguel La Palotada El Zotz is a place where you can enjoy nature, archaeological sites, and bats. If you like trekking this place may be a good option for you. El Peñón de los Muercielagos – El Zotz. Drone Photo by Haniel López. February 16th The Maya Trek is a 60…

Importancia de los biólogos para Guatemala
Blog FLAAR Mesoamerica

Importancia de los biólogos para Guatemala

Historia del Día del Biólogo en Guatemala A principios de la década de los setenta, Mario Dary Rivera, salvadoreño de nacimiento que vino al país con solo 2 años, fue pionero en la fundación de la Escuela de Biología en la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC), con el objetivo de forjar profesionales de…

Artesanías de Morro: Un patrimonio biocultural
Blog FLAAR Mesoamerica

Artesanías de Morro: Un patrimonio biocultural

Las artesanías de morro del municipio de Rabinal en Baja Verapaz, son ampliamente conocidas en todo el país. Es muy probable que ya te hayas encontrado una de estas artesanías en algún mercado o en la feria de Rabinal, si has tenido la oportunidad de ir. Estas vienen en forma de guacales y chinchines, principalmente,…

Datos interesantes sobre algunos de los símbolos patrios de Guatemala
Blog FLAAR Mesoamerica

Datos interesantes sobre algunos de los símbolos patrios de Guatemala

El 15 de septiembre conmemoramos el día de la independencia en Guatemala, por lo que es un buen momento para recordar sus símbolos representativos. A pesar de que reconocemos lo emblemáticos que son el quetzal, la monja blanca, la ceiba, la marimba y demás símbolos patrios, ¿qué tanto sabemos sobre ellos y su historia? El…

Los pueblos indígenas de Guatemala
Blog FLAAR Mesoamerica

Los pueblos indígenas de Guatemala

Guatemala es un país diverso, integrado por los 4 pueblos que coexisten en él: el pueblo maya, ladino/mestizo, xinca y garífuna. Por ende, es un país pluricultural, compuesto por 24 comunidades lingüísticas sin contar al castellano. Estas comunidades lingüísticas están integradas por el idioma xinca, garífuna y 22 de origen maya: Achi’ Akateko, Awakateko, Chalchiteko,…