Guatemala es un país diverso, integrado por los 4 pueblos que coexisten en él: el pueblo maya, ladino/mestizo, xinca y garífuna. Por ende, es un país pluricultural, compuesto por 24 comunidades lingüísticas sin contar al castellano. Estas comunidades lingüísticas están integradas por el idioma xinca, garífuna y 22 de origen maya: Achi’ Akateko, Awakateko, Chalchiteko,…
The Value of the Tropical Forests
Tropical forests or rainforests are located in the Intertropical Zone, between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer (look image 1), near the equatorial line. Its average annual temperature is generally above 24 ° C and its humidity is highly variable. They are considered megadiverse ecosystems because despite occupying just 3% of the…
Guatemala is a megadiverse country
Biodiversity, or biological diversity, is defined as the diversity of species of plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms that live in a given space. This also includes their genetic variability, the ecosystems of which these species are part, the landscapes or regions where they occur or locate, the ecosystems, and the ecological and evolutionary processes that…
Breve Historia del Planeta Tierra
El 22 de abril conmemoramos el Día de la Tierra con la finalidad de reflexionar sobre el cuidado de nuestro planeta y cómo podemos aprovecharlo responsablemente. Es un día importante para recordar las acciones que necesitamos implementar en nuestras vidas o las que necesitamos cambiar para ayudar a disminuir la contaminación y la destrucción de…
¡Unámonos por el clima!
#HuelgaClimatica El cambio climático es uno de los principales problemas que enfrentamos como humanidad actualmente, porque nos afecta desde diferentes ámbitos como: la seguridad alimentaria, la salud, la economía, los derechos humanos… y la lista es cada vez más amplia. La acción climática es urgente y todos podemos contribuir de una u otra forma. Mucho…
FLAAR Mesoamerica team at Reserva Natural Tapon Creek
Here is the FLAAR Mesoamerica team at Reserva Natural Tapon Creek, capably managed by FUNDAECO. Park ranger Lucus Cuz (of FUNDAECO) is at far right (his son is in the middle). Each individual of the FLAAR Mesoamerica team is specialized in different tasks during these field trips. Their capabilities are listed in the reports in…
Happy Holidays from FLAAR Mesoamerica Team
Happy Holidays! Our very best wishes to you this festive season. May 2021 bring you peace, joy and prosperity. From all staff members of FLAAR Mesoamerica.
It’s time to celebrate! But always loving and caring for our planet
Christmas is the most important time of the year for many families. It is celebrated in the whole world with unique traditions in each country and culture. But something that we agree on is the Christmas tree, which became an icon of the Christmas season a long time ago. In Guatemala, many people love the…
Celebrate the biggest feline of America
The Jaguar (Panthera onca) is one of the most frequently encountered images in Mesoamerican art and iconography, in either naturalistic, stylized, or anthropomorphic form. Art is one of the ways in which people represent how they conceive of themselves, and their place in the world The appearance and frequency of jaguar motifs, as with any…
World Animal Day: Threatened Animals in Central America
The Census of Marine Life scientists estimated the total number of species on Earth (the most precise calculation ever offered), announcing 6.5 million species found on land and 2.2 million (about 25 percent of the total) dwelling in the ocean depths, that means about 8.7 million. Can you imagine how many exotic animals you don’t…