
News & Blog

Praying Mantis in Chocon Machas River, Livingston
Livingston, Izabal Maya-Ethnozoology News

Praying Mantis in Chocon Machas River, Livingston

While the team of photographers took pictures of a yellow flower on the shore of Chocón Machacas River, I noticed that something yellow was moving on a plant next to us. It was a yellow mantis moving from one leaf to another. Photographers were interested in this insect because we have rarely seen it. Here…

Aquatic birds in Livingston: Janaca (Jacana spinosa)
Livingston, Izabal Maya-Ethnozoology News

Aquatic birds in Livingston: Janaca (Jacana spinosa)

In El Golfete, Livingston you can find an aquatic garden, also known as a botanic garden, a magical place where you can find many water lilies, Nymphoides indica and Nymphea ampla. It is a very photogenic place! While we were taking pictures of the water lilies we saw a Jacana (Jacana spinose) that in the…

Gray lined Hawk (Buteo nitidus) a raptor bird seen at Lampara River
Livingston, Izabal Maya-Ethnozoology News

Gray lined Hawk (Buteo nitidus) a raptor bird seen at Lampara River

In a tall Cahue tree that was in Lampara River in El Golfete, Livingston, Izabal, during the September expedition we saw a gray lined hawk. It is the first time we have photographed it during the Livingston Biodiversity Project. It was calm and allowed itself to be photographed very well. Buteo nitidus is an extremely…

Datos interesantes sobre algunos de los símbolos patrios de Guatemala
Blog FLAAR Mesoamerica

Datos interesantes sobre algunos de los símbolos patrios de Guatemala

El 15 de septiembre conmemoramos el día de la independencia en Guatemala, por lo que es un buen momento para recordar sus símbolos representativos. A pesar de que reconocemos lo emblemáticos que son el quetzal, la monja blanca, la ceiba, la marimba y demás símbolos patrios, ¿qué tanto sabemos sobre ellos y su historia? El…

Los pueblos indígenas de Guatemala
Blog FLAAR Mesoamerica

Los pueblos indígenas de Guatemala

Guatemala es un país diverso, integrado por los 4 pueblos que coexisten en él: el pueblo maya, ladino/mestizo, xinca y garífuna. Por ende, es un país pluricultural, compuesto por 24 comunidades lingüísticas sin contar al castellano. Estas comunidades lingüísticas están integradas por el idioma xinca, garífuna y 22 de origen maya: Achi’ Akateko, Awakateko, Chalchiteko,…

Cicadas: The singers of the forest
Blog Flora and fauna research Maya-Ethnozoology Project Yaxha

Cicadas: The singers of the forest

It is very likely that during a walk through the forest you have heard the sound of thousands of cycads singing. Although they are rarely observed because they are mainly found in the treetops (or because some manage to camouflage themselves very well with the color of the barks from the trees) we can hear…

The Value of the Tropical Forests
Blog FLAAR Mesoamerica

The Value of the Tropical Forests

Tropical forests or rainforests are located in the Intertropical Zone, between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer (look image 1), near the equatorial line. Its average annual temperature is generally above 24 ° C and its humidity is highly variable. They are considered megadiverse ecosystems because despite occupying just 3% of the…

Guatemala is a megadiverse country
Blog FLAAR Mesoamerica

Guatemala is a megadiverse country

Biodiversity, or biological diversity, is defined as the diversity of species of plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms that live in a given space. This also includes their genetic variability, the ecosystems of which these species are part, the landscapes or regions where they occur or locate, the ecosystems, and the ecological and evolutionary processes that…

Breve Historia del Planeta Tierra
Blog FLAAR Mesoamerica

Breve Historia del Planeta Tierra

El 22 de abril conmemoramos el Día de la Tierra con la finalidad de reflexionar sobre el cuidado de nuestro planeta y cómo podemos aprovecharlo responsablemente. Es un día importante para recordar las acciones que necesitamos implementar en nuestras vidas o las que necesitamos cambiar para ayudar a disminuir la contaminación y la destrucción de…

¡Unámonos por el clima!
Blog FLAAR Mesoamerica

¡Unámonos por el clima!

#HuelgaClimatica El cambio climático es uno de los principales problemas que enfrentamos como humanidad actualmente, porque nos afecta desde diferentes ámbitos como: la seguridad alimentaria, la salud, la economía, los derechos humanos… y la lista es cada vez más amplia. La acción climática es urgente y todos podemos contribuir de una u otra forma. Mucho…