With their clean feathers, their unique sound, the birds that live on the Livingston shores gave us an unintended spectacle during the sunset. Pelicans, seagulls, egrets (Ardea alba, Egretta thula), cormorants, kingbirds, were some of the birds we could identify flying through the Río Dulce tall canyon, in Livingston. We saw many birds interact, including…
A Paradise Of Vanilla Orchids In The Guatemalan Caribean
The last expedition was one of the most awaited by FLAAR Mesoamérica team. We went to Livingston, a municipal area from Izabal department in Guatemala, located 15 km. aprox. by boat across Puerto Barrios city. The paths we found in our expedition inside the tropical jungle are home to many native plants. We have a…
BioFest: The Biodiversity Festival
In November, Guatemala City became the favorite destination for nature lovers! Mesa de Barranqueros invited us to share a dream: Citizens who enjoy their green, healthy and biodiverse metropolis, all this through BioFest, the Biodiversity Festival. This Festival was born as an initiative to bring Guatemalan people closer to the abundant biodiversity inside the city.…
Aquatic biodiversity in the Yaxha-Nakum-Naranjo National Park wetland
Everyone in the world depends on the different ecosystems on Earth and the services they provide. In recent years, people have transformed ecosystems more quickly and extensively than in any other period of history. Largely to quickly meet the demands of food, fresh water, wood, fiber and fuel. According to the UN Millennium Ecosystem Assessment…
The Favorite Menu of the Spider Monkey in the Guatemalan Jungle
During your tour in Yaxha-Nakum-Naranjo National Park you should be aware of the approach of a group of spider monkeys. It is amazing to see them so close and playing with each other! But when they are afraid or feel threatened by the visit of humans, they jump and may even throw branches. The spider…