
The Quetzal bird is great national symbol for Guatemala; Let’s show the world that frangipani, flor de maya, is also native to Guatemala

The Quetzal bird is great national symbol for Guatemala; Let’s show the world that frangipani, flor de maya, is also native to Guatemala

Frangipani flowers are the most famous flower of Hawaii (in lei decorations as fragrant necklaces for visitors). I have seen frangipani flowers in gardens and parks in Singapore, Dubai, China and around the world. But Plumeria rubra is native to Guatemala and adjacent countries. In two excellent books on PLUMERIA, by capable experienced gardeners and…

Datos interesantes sobre algunos de los símbolos patrios de Guatemala
Blog FLAAR Mesoamerica

Datos interesantes sobre algunos de los símbolos patrios de Guatemala

El 15 de septiembre conmemoramos el día de la independencia en Guatemala, por lo que es un buen momento para recordar sus símbolos representativos. A pesar de que reconocemos lo emblemáticos que son el quetzal, la monja blanca, la ceiba, la marimba y demás símbolos patrios, ¿qué tanto sabemos sobre ellos y su historia? El…

World Animal Day: Threatened Animals in Central America
Blog FLAAR Mesoamerica Maya-Ethnozoology

World Animal Day: Threatened Animals in Central America

The Census of Marine Life scientists estimated the total number of species on Earth (the most precise calculation ever offered), announcing 6.5 million species found on land and 2.2 million (about 25 percent of the total) dwelling in the ocean depths, that means about 8.7 million. Can you imagine how many exotic animals you don’t…