
News & Blog

Iconography of Cosmology of Early Classic and Late Classic Maya World View: Sky Band Above – Earth Band Below and Surface of the Underwaterworld Band

Iconography of Cosmology of Early Classic and Late Classic Maya World View: Sky Band Above – Earth Band Below and Surface of the Underwaterworld Band

This PowerPoint presentation will show scenes not available elsewhere. If you are a student you will find topics for your BA thesis, MA thesis or your PhD dissertation. If you are a professor this PPTx provides you digital rollouts by Nicholas Hellmuth that have never previously been published. You have permission to download any and…

Between Roars and Thermometers: The Climatic Dance of Mantled Howler Monkey (Alouatta palliata) Behavior
Blog Maya-Ethnozoology

Between Roars and Thermometers: The Climatic Dance of Mantled Howler Monkey (Alouatta palliata) Behavior

“Patrón de actividad diurno de los monos aulladores de manto (Alouatta palliata) y su variación en función de factores climáticos” By Biologist María Pira     Who are the Mantled Howler Monkeys? The Alouatta palliata monkey, known as the “mantled howler monkey”, is a fascinating species of the primates that inhabits tropical regions of Mesoamerica…

How do we celebrate Christmas in Guatemala? Take a closer look at the Native Christmas Species
Blog Educational material FLAAR Mesoamerica Flora and fauna research Maya-ethnobotany Maya-Ethnozoology

How do we celebrate Christmas in Guatemala? Take a closer look at the Native Christmas Species

December is a particular month, full of joy and reflection on what has been accomplished during the year. The fruits and flowers stand out, with their colors and flavors making this season even more special. One of the signs that the end of the year has arrived in Guatemala is to look around and find…

Cobán Climbing Salamander: An Example of How Genetic Differentiation Affect a Species’ Populations
Blog Educational material

Cobán Climbing Salamander: An Example of How Genetic Differentiation Affect a Species’ Populations

In recent years, biologists have developed a deeper understanding and concern about how the relationship between genetic diversity can influence the population structure of a species. They have understood how geographic and ecological variations often divide species into subspecies or other distinct populations of individuals that are closely related to each other and not to…

“Mano de Piedra” Snake Venom: A Fascinating Journey through Its Toxicity and Changes Throughout Its Life
Blog Educational material

“Mano de Piedra” Snake Venom: A Fascinating Journey through Its Toxicity and Changes Throughout Its Life

Guatemala and the entire Mesoamerican region are sites teeming with a rich diversity of fauna and flora. Numerous studies related to these subjects have been conducted in these areas by outstanding Guatemalan scientists. These investigations contribute significantly, not only to science but also to expanding our understanding of the fascinating species surrounding us in Mesoamerica.…

Global Conservation: Celebrating World Ecology and Ecologist Day

Global Conservation: Celebrating World Ecology and Ecologist Day

On November 1st, we celebrate the 157th anniversary of the World Ecology and Ecologist Day. This day is meant to remind people of the significance of knowing and valuing the relationships that exist between living beings and their environment and to raise awareness among our society about the importance of maintaining a harmonious relationship with…

Fascinating and the greatest travelers: meet the shorebirds!
Blog Maya-Ethnozoology

Fascinating and the greatest travelers: meet the shorebirds!

Shorebirds are celebrated each year on September 6th. The Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) (a conservation initiative for protecting critical habitats for shorebirds throughout the Americas) created it in 2012. The main goals of this date are to promote conservation of shorebirds and their habitats, to raise public awareness about the need for ongoing…

NATIONAL PARKS: A treasure for conservation
Blog FLAAR Mesoamerica Izabal

NATIONAL PARKS: A treasure for conservation

International Day of National Parks August 24th, 2023 Parque Nacional Río Dulce. Haniel López, 2021.  Every year we celebrate the International Day of National Parks on August 24th. This day raises awareness for global efforts towards conservation. National parks are decreed for many reasons such as historical, aesthetic, scientific value, cultural value, for recreational purposes,…

Cacao in the Mayan Culture and other interesting facts

Cacao in the Mayan Culture and other interesting facts

Cacao is a small evergreen tree in the family Malvaceae. Its seeds, commonly named cocoa beans, are used to make chocolate, cocoa butter, cocoa solids, and chocolate liquor. The cacao tree was an important aspect of Mesoamerican civilizations´ customs and beliefs. Especially for the Mayan societies that utilized cacao for ritualistic purposes. Evidence suggests that…