Tropical forests or rainforests are located in the Intertropical Zone, between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer (look image 1), near the equatorial line. Its average annual temperature is generally above 24 ° C and its humidity is highly variable. They are considered megadiverse ecosystems because despite occupying just 3% of the…
Expedition to Naranjo looking for El Cibal, based from a satellite photo
FLAAR Mesoamerica team was last week at Parque Nacional Yaxha-Nakum-Naranjo, Peten. One of the main purposes of this fieldtrip was to find an area known as “El Cibale” at Naranjo, a place observed by the team on a satellite photo, but it was impossible to walk through, since the grass was 2 meters high and…