Zapote Negro – Diospyra nigra
Native to South America, occurring wild along both coasts of Mexico from Jalisco to Chiapas, Veracruz and Yucatán and in the forested lowlands of Central America, Diospyras nigra is a native plant of Mesoamerica that has been reported in Guatemala, in Izabal and the lowlands of Huehuetenango.
This tree is native from Mesoamerica. In Guatemala has been reported in Izabal and the lowlands of Huehuetenango. It habits dry or humid mixed forests, riparian forests and montane forests. The local name in Livingston for this species is Zapote negro or Tortugo, but it is also widely known as Zapote, Zapote prieto, Totocuitlatzapotl (Mexico), Guayabota, Zapote de mico, Ébano, Matazano de mico and Persimón.
Vivian Hurtado
Pedro Pablo Marroquín
Nicholas Hellmuth
November 2022
Nicholas Hellmuth
Guillermo Cuz
Layout of this English Edition:
Cristina Ríos
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