Yaxha Parks Has lots More Lagoons than just Yaxha and Sacnab

Parque Nacional Yaxha, Nakum and Naranjo (PNYNN) have five lakes or lagoons in a row, east to west, more than just Yaxha and Sacnab. Let’s see together the other lagoons that exist next to these beautiful lagoons and the difference between Lagos, Lagunas and Lagunetas.

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The name of one of these lagoons is missing in 90% of international maps and in most of the websites (lakes, lagoons and lagoons of Guatemala). This introductory report helps ecologists, geographers, archaeologists, botanists, and zoologists learn where biological scientific discoveries can be found in the future. The objective of this Photo essay is that thanks to the present set of maps and aerial photographs, it is possible to discover the lost and forgotten lagoons of Parque Nacional Yaxha, Nakum, and Naranjo, and Reserva de la Biosfera Maya.

Nicholas Hellmuth
September 2021
Manager of design and layout:
Andrea Sánchez


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