Wild Animals of the Mayan World at Parque Nacional Yaxha Nakum Naranjo Peten, Guatemala
The drawings in this publication were by capable student illustrator J. Branca who was a welcome volunteer at the Yaxha Project in the 1970’s. The focus of the Yaxha Project was to map the site of Yaxha and also Topoxte Island.
The result of FLAAR initiative in interest in wildlife conservation of fauna plus flora plus ecosystems resulted in the Guatemalan government putting a sign reading Parque Nacional Laguna Yaxha Laguna Sacnab at the end of the road down the hill (in those years you mostly went to Yaxha by lancha from the end of the road from Flores/Santa Elena via the crossroads (now named La Maquina).
Nicholas Hellmuth
December 2021
J. Branca (1970’s)
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