Savanna-Tasistal #14 Seasonally Inundated Wetland with solid Tasiste Palm area
Many different grasses, vines, shrubs, and trees grow in a savanna. These savannas are an open grassland, generally flat, with three specific trees widely scattered in some parts of the savanna, such as tasiste palm, calabash trees and nance fruit trees.
Called tasiste in Peten but various other names in Izabal, Acoelorrhaphe wrightii is a mid-sized palm that can grow many meters high, but usually in savannas because it is burned down every several years the palm does not get more than three meters and rarely over four meters high. In Livingston, along edges of creeks and lagoons this palm can be a bit higher.
Dr. Nicholas Hellmuth
January 2022
Design and Layout:
Cristina Ríos
Nicholas Hellmuth
Haniel López
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