Symphonia globulifera
Symphonia globulifera is a species that can be found in moist, often swampy, forests from Mexico to Brazil. This plant is known as a timber tree, however, there is information that it is a plant whose fruits are edible and have medicinal potential.
Symphonia globulifera is a plant known mainly for its timber value, however, it has many other properties that are usable by humans. The Symphonia globulifera tree reaches 30 meters in height, it has rough bark, the crown is rounded and its branches are horizontal or often curved and hanging. The seeds are dispersed by animals, mainly bats that feed on the pulp of the ripe fruits, and their flowers are visited by hummingbirds.
Nicholas Hellmuth
Compilation of Basic Data From Earlier Botanists:
Diana Sandoval
Plant Identification Team:
Victor Mendoza
Bibliography Team:
Nicholas Hellmuth
Sergio D’angelo Jerez
María José Toralla
Nicholas Hellmuth
María Alejandra Guitiérrez
David Arrivillaga
Victor Mendoza
Senaida Ba
Vivian Hurtado
Manager of Design and Layout:
Andrea Sánchez Díaz
Layout of this English Edition:
Heidy Galindo
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