Spider Lily Grassland Savanna

With great joy! we found the Spider Lily Savanna, which is an amazing place in Péten. Throughout this pdf, you will find great photographs that were taken by the FLAAR team and a piece of great information about the Spider Lily Savanna.

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We noticed that in Paso Caballos, Petén Guatemala there were between five and ten open areas. Paso Caballos is a community located at the entrance of the Laguna del Tigre, if you walk a few kilometers from town you will find two savannas. Spider Lily Savanna was the name that the FLAAR team gave to this amazing place. Local people said that no one had reached the Spider Lily Savanna yet. It was a hard and tiring journey, but at the end of the journey, everything was impressive.

Nicholas Hellmuth
August 2021
Nicholas Hellmuth
Boris Llamas
Andrea Rocio Bracamonte
Bibliography Team:
Nicholas Hellmuth
Vivian Hurtado
Manager of Design and Layout:
Andrea Sánchez Díaz
Layout of this English Edition:
Alexander Gudiel Diéguez


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