Nasua narica-Coatimundi

This photo report talks about interesting facts on Nasua narica and includes additional suggested Bibliography on the topic, with nice photos in Parque Nacional Tikal (PANAT) that show their social behaviour.

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The most common fauna at Tikal is the coatimundi and the ocellated turkey. You can see both around the parking area and both in many other open spaces of the park. Coati is an omnivorous mammal native to Central America. The White-nosed coati is a species with social behavior. They have been observed in bands of more than 100 individuals, formed by females and young males. This PDF talks about exciting facts on Nasua narica and includes additional suggested Bibliography on the topic, with nice photos that show their social behavior.

Nicholas Hellmuth

November 2022

Alejandra Valenzuela y Vivian Hurtado

Design-layout of this version:
David Arrivillaga

Edwin Solares
Nicholas Hellmuth
Sofía Monzón
Erick Flores
David Arrivillaga


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