Huiscoyol Palms, Bactris major and Bactris mexicana
Bactris major and Bactris mexicana palms are used by indigenous communities to build their houses, so it is easy to find these plants in the backyards. Both species are found mainly in the lowlands.
Bactris mexicana and Bactris major are two species of palms that are of great importance to the community members of the municipality of Livingston because they provide them with goods and services such as medicines, food and construction materials. Bactris major flowers from December to January and Bactris mexicana flowers from August to October and fruits from September to December.
Victor Mendoza
Diana Sandoval
Nicholas Hellmuth
Compilation of Basic Data from Earlier Botanists:
Diana Sandoval
Victor Mendoza
Plant Identification Team:
Victor Mendoza
Nicholas Hellmuth
Bibliography Team:
Nicholas Hellmuth
Vivian Hurtado
Nicholas Hellmuth
María Alejandra Guitiérrez
David Arrivillaga
Victor Mendoza
Roxana Leal
Vivian Hurtado
Manager of Design and Layout:
Andrea Sánchez Díaz
Layout of this English Edition:
Heidy Galindo
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