Tasistal Arroyo Faisan Part I: Tasiste Palms from Ground Level
Walking in the Arroyo Faisan you will marvel at the amount of tasite and its different sizes and shapes and enjoy beautiful views in addition to learning about its different uses.
Acoelorrhaphe wrightii or Tasistal can be found in Arroyo Faisan, Petén. You will know the different names that are known in Guatemala, in addition to the different uses it has for the Mayan culture and the medicinal value it has. Also live an incomparable adventure and know the different routes you need to know the beautiful area of Tasistal.
Dr. Nicholas Hellmuth
FLAAR Mesoamérica
February 2020
Dr. Nicholas Hellmuth
Editorial Design:
Lic. Andrea Sánchez Díaz
Layout Design of this edition:
Ximena Arriaga
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